Nestled in the majestic Salt Range mountains of Punjab, Pakistan, lies the Khewra Salt Mine, a treasure trove of pink gold. Its history stretches back centuries, with legend suggesting that Alexander the Great's horses stumbled upon its salty riches around 320 BC. Today, Khewra is a bustling tourist destination, drawing visitors from far and wide to marvel at its labyrinthine tunnels carved over 2,400 feet deep into the mountain, spanning an impressive 110 square kilometers. Picture yourself exploring shimmering caverns adorned in hues of pink, orange, and white - a geological wonderland that captivates the senses. But Khewra is more than just a tourist attraction; it's a vital source of income for Pakistan, producing over 350,000 tons of high-quality salt annually. Among its prized offerings is the famous pink Khewra salt, beloved by chefs around the globe for its unique flavor and aesthetic appeal. So, the next time you savor a dish seasoned with this pink treasure, take a moment to appreciate its remarkable journey from the heart of the Khewra Salt Mine, a testament to nature's beauty and the ingenuity of mankind.
#PakistanTourism #SaltMine #HistoricalSites #GeologicalWonderland #KhewraSaltMine #PinkGold #GeologicalWonder
Written By LAIBA…