Forget the sleek design and enticing flavors - the World Health Organization is clear: e-cigarettes are NOT a safe alternative to smoking. While potentially less harmful than traditional cigarettes, Dr. Ruediger Krech, WHO's Director of the Department for the Promotion of Health, asserts that e-cigs, despite their sleek design and fruity flavors, deliver nicotine—an addictive and harmful substance—and often contain other toxic chemicals, that can damage your lungs, heart, and even harm unborn babies. Don't be fooled by the smoke-free illusion - ditch the vape for real health benefits. Explore options like nicotine replacement therapy or professional help to kick the habit and embrace a healthier future. Remember, your lungs and overall health deserve better!
#VapingFacts #SmokelessReality #QuitVaping #HealthAlert #WHO #ECigarettesHarm #NicotineAddiction #FetchViral #FetchPakistan
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