Tiny Luxembourg (population: 600,000) just made history! Since March 2020, it's the world's first country to offer completely FREE public transport – buses, trams, trains (except fancy first class).
This isn't just a free ride for your wallet. It's a fight against traffic jams! Luxembourg has the most cars per person in the EU. So, they're hoping free rides will get people out of their cars and onto public transport. Think of it as an investment in the future. The government believes that by making public transport free, ridership will jump by 20% in just five years. That means fewer cars on the road, less pollution, and a happier, healthier planet!
The cost? While Luxembourg citizens won't pay for tickets on public transport, taxpayers’ foot the bill – exceeding €500 million yearly, with €41 million lost in ticket revenue. But hey, ticket inspectors won't be as busy anymore – freeing them up for other tasks.
This bold move might inspire other countries. Imagine ditching the car and exploring a city for free! Luxembourg's free public transport is a gamble on a greener future, with a chance to win big for the environment and everyone's health.
#Luxembourg #FreePublicTransport #TinyCountryBigInnovation #TrafficFighter #SustainableCity #PublicTransportRevolution #GreenerFuture #HealthyPlanet
Written by LAIBA