It is recommended to keep yourself careful of scams that happen while visiting the holy city.
The most common scams are mentioned below which you need to be careful of:
1) Camera Scam: They will ask you to take their photos and when you return it, they purposefully drop it and ask for heavy compensation.
2) Short-charging in shops: If they notice that you are a visitor, then they may offer you less or wrong currency note when short-changing your money.
3) Fake Zam Zam water: You need to watch out of the shops selling fake zam zam water.
4) Taxi Scams: Make sure to have your maps open to see if the taxi driver is not taking long routes. Try to fix fare before or see for the best route yourself.
5) Fake Emotional Stories by Taxi Drivers: The taxi drivers can tell you fake emotional stories like for example that they are going for Jihad in Palestine or need some donations.
6) Accommodation Scams: Usually hotels promise you for luxury stays but gives you substandard or non-existing accommodations.
7) Begging Scams: Just like fake emotional stories from Taxi Drivers, people there may tell you emotional stories to take donations.
#Scams #Visit #Madina #Beware #Careful