As per new research, the world can stop without the Kaa'ba in light of the fact that the revolution of the earth is due to the tawaf of the Kaa'ba and prayers.
An Indonesian site has disclosed a report by American researcher Lawrence E. Yusaf, in light of the report of an aggregate investigation of 15 universities on the Kab'ba and the Black Stone in it, which expresses that the world can stop without the Kaa'ba. On the off chance that The Muslims leave the Tawaf-e-Kaaba or don't offer prayers, then, at that point, definitely the revolution of our earth will stop in light of the fact that the rotation of the super-conductor centered on the black hole won't dissipate electromagnetic waves.
Research has shown that Hajr Aswad is a black superconductor that behaves like a microphone that communicates these waves great many miles away.
#Kaabah #World #Stop #AmericanResearcher