Holy Quran is the fourth and last holy book of Allah revealed on Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) on 27th Ramzan. Quran is the Book of direction for all humankind. The safety of this Sacred Book is taken by Allah by Himself. Quran is a wellspring of guidance, great inspiration, and wisdom for a large number of Muslims around the world. We as a whole ought to know the history of revelation and compilation of Holy Quran so that we can comprehend how significant this Blessed Book is for us all (Muslims).
Quran is the focal point of faith, and vital for the underpinnings of an Islamic society being the premise of its Shariah, Islamic legitimate guidelines, and regulation. We can say Holy Quran is a living wonder. The Holy Quran was revealed to Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) in a period that reaches out to around 23 years. During this time the Holy Quran that we recite today was uncovered in bits and pieces and in an order not as we see today.
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