The sacrifice of the Red Heifer the 10th might take place by the mid of 2024 (March end till June) Its flesh, skin, blood and bone along with all belongings are to be burnt and combined with pure water and then that mixed water will purify the priest conducting the sacrifice after which it will be sprinkled seven times around the foundation of the third temple, which will welcome the Messiahs era (the era of dajjal)
The sacrifice will be done on the mount olive adjoining the temple via Kidor valley.
What can it cause?
This is the beginning of THE END TIMES as per HOLY TORAH . The series goes like ....
1. Sacrifice the red heifer
2. Purify the tools
3. Demolish Al-Aqsa
4. Construction of the third temple
5. Arrival of the false messiah
6. Arrival of Imam Mehdi
7. Arrival of Hazrat Isa (AS)
8. Qayamah.
The place for the sacrifice has been chosen and the heifer (pure, virgin, spotless) have been transferred to Israel from Texas, USA.
Via Exploring Deen
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